
to Saint Daniel Church

Mass Times

Whether you are a newcomer, a visitor, or a long-time parishioner, we warmly welcome you to join us for Mass. Feel free to attend any of our Masses and be sure to greet us when you do!

Weekday Masses

Monday thru Friday | 6:50am & 12:10pm

Saturday | 8:30am

Weekend Masses

Saturday | 4:00pm

Sunday | 9:15am & 12:15pm


Saturday | 3:00pm

Before each Mass on Sunday


Before Mass on Weekends

Anointing of the Sick

First Saturday of each month

at 8:30am Mass

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Mass Schedule March 5th

6:50am • 12:10pm • 6:30pm


                          Holy Hour with Confessions                          Tues-Wed-Thurs 6:00-7:00pm

"We should consider those moments before the blessed sacrament as the happiest of our lives."

~ Saint John Vianney

Upcoming Events

St. Joseph & St. Patrick's Day Dinner

March 15th 5-8pm

Choice of Penne A La Vodka or Corn beef and Cabbage $10 per adult $5 per child

Entertainment, Raffle bakets, 50-50, Free admission. Reservations must be made prior 315-454-4946 Thank you!

St. Daniel Parish Angelic Mission

April 29th 30th May 1

Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz

Day session 10:30am-1pm Evening Session 6:00pm-8:00pm

Daughters of Bethany

Single Catholic women's group ages 21+, offering opportunities for prayer, for faithful, spiritual growth, and support. 315.454.4946

Men's Prayer Group

Ages 21+ supporting men in their faith and lives, prayer, and discussion of a Man's role as husbands, fathers, or members of the parish community. 315.454.4946

Lions Den Young Adult Ministry

Ages 18-35~ Meets the first friday of the month. 6-8pm. Rsvp is required for your confirmed reservation.


Altar Servers

An Altar Servers commitment to the altar is a great honor, a true holy service.

“The altar server has a privileged place in liturgical celebrations. They experience from close at hand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgy. administers the sacraments in persona Christi”

Saint Pope John Paul II


St. Joseph & St. Patrick's Day Dinner

March 15th 5-8pm

Choice of Penne A La Vodka or Corn beef and Cabbage $10 per adult $5 per child

Entertainment, Raffle bakets, 50-50, Free admission. Reservations must be made prior 315-454-4946 Thank you!

Check out our Calendar to see more events!
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